CHN Strategic Direction

For much of 2023 and into early 2024, CHN, in concert with the CHN Board and our network, spent time developing and finalizing a new strategic plan for the organization. Thank you to many of you who helped shape that process. It began with taking a close look at who we are…and what we value. Led by our Board and direction from our network, CHN developed organizational values. Access, Quality, Collaboration, Community, and Equity, all with Dignity.
Our strategic direction comes forward with four goals and a revamped mission statement. Our revised mission is to strengthen and ensure high-quality health care for people who are vulnerable. This puts the most vulnerable patients at the forefront of all that we do with and through the network of free and charitable providers in Ohio. The strategic goals work to that end as well. Here are the goals that CHN will prioritize over the next three years along with our organizational values